
Dr. Jie Bao, currently, leads the data management department at JD Intelligent City Business Unit, where he is in charge of the  development of JD Urban Spatio-Temporal data engine (aka JUST), as well as all the data-driven systems.

His main avatar_user__1468986200-180x180research interests include: Urban Computing, Spatio-temporal Data Management/Mining,  and Distributed Computing Platforms. He got his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at University of Minnesota at Twin Cities, under the advisory of Prof. Mohamed Mokbel in 2014. His Ph.D tree is here.

Before joining JD, he was a researcher in MSRA from 2014- 2018. He was a research intern in IBM T.J Watson Lab in 2013, and Microsoft Research, Asia in 2011. He has published over 50 research papers in refereed journals and conferences (e.g., SIGKDD, ICDE, VLDB, SIGMOD, AAAI and SIGSPATIAL).

Job openings for for self-motivated researcher/interns in spatial-temporal data management and mining (